About Us

 Hello to all the reader and visitors of codewithme.in we welcome you all to our blog www.codewithme.in

we have a vision to make programming easy for everyone from beginners to seasoned coders.

Who We Are :

Hello there! I'm Waseem , the creator of www.codewithme.in in my programming journey has been filled with love for solving problems through code. I find joy in every line of my code. coding is my passion. 

Our vision :

At codewithme.in , we believe that programming is not just a skill; it's an art form . Our visions to empower individuals to unlock their full potential as developers .

Contact Us :

Got a question, suggestion, or just want to say hello? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us at www.codewithme.in@gmail.com or through our Contact Us form on top of our web page.

Happy Coding,



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Control Statements (if-else-switch) in C : CodeWithMe

Control Statements in C In a C program, a decision causes a one-time jump to a different part of the program, depending on the value of an e...

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